The Guidance department is the headquarters for student services and academic support. Our counselors oversee student scheduling and academic counseling, and of course are also available to provide ongoing social/emotional support for students. Each grade level is assigned one of the counselors below.
6th Grade: Brittany Foster 407.245.1780 ext. 5092247 ([email protected])
7th Grade: Dawn Bugar 407.245.1780 ext. 5092251 ([email protected])
8th Grade: Elisa Elder 407.245.1780 ext. 5092224 ([email protected])
Staffing Specialist/504 Compliance: Rosalinde Wolfe 407.245.1780 ext. 5092286 ([email protected])
2024-2025 Course Description Handbook
Guidance Services Available at Howard Middle School:
Orientation of New Students
Student Assistance Team Coordination
Individual Guidance
Scheduling of Students
Group Counseling
Curriculum Planning and Revision
Standardized Testing
Career and Vocational Counseling
Psychological Referrals
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Exceptional Education
Placement Community Resource Liaison
Registration/Withdrawal of Students
Peer Mediation
Crisis Management Services
Referral to other services as needed