Information for Parents
Arrival and Dismissal
Student supervision begins at 9:00am, with the first bell ringing at 9:25, and ends after dismissal at 3:00 on Wednesdays and 4:00 on all other days. Due to our downtown location, we strongly urge parents not to drop students off before supervision hours and to pick up promptly at dismissal.
For both arrival and dismissal, parents should enter from the West side of the track (near Summerlin), and will follow the traffic pattern around to the exit on the East side of the track (near Hyer). The right lane of the track is for picking up and dropping off, and the left lane of the track is for passing. Following this pattern will help to ensure safety for all of our students.
We respectfully ask that you do not use the surrounding parking lots and streets for drop off and pick up, as this presents a safety concern.
Student School Supplies
Many of the supplies students will need for the school year are dependent upon their specific course schedule. A complete list can be obtained from the student's particular teachers at Meet the Teacher, and/or on the first day of school. However, below is a list of items that all students will need, in addition to a list of possible items that may be needed, depending on their schedule.
All Students Need:
Laptop and Charger (will receive during device check-out)
Book bag that can hold laptop and charger
Headphones (for laptop)
Notebook Paper
Colored Pencils
Scotch Tape
Student Scissors
3 Prong Pocket folder with Pockets (SS)
3 Prong Pocket Folder with Pockets (ELA)
3 Prong Pocket Folder with Pockets (Math)
1 200-page composition notebook (ELA)
2 100-page composition notebook (Math and Science)
Possible Additional Supplies Needed
(These are only required for specific courses and will Depend on Student Schedule):
- Electives fees and supplies TBA at Meet the Teacher
- Composition books
- Index Cards
- Ruler
- Pencil sharpener with case
- Glue Stick
- Additional Colored pencils
- Crayons
- Compass (Geometry only)
- 4 function calculator with +/- key (7th Grade Math only)
- Basic calculator with +/- key (8th Grade Math only)
- Calculator TI-30Xa (Algebra only)
- Calculator TI-30Xa (Geometry only)
Classroom Donations Requested for First Period Class (Optional):
- Hand Sanitizer
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Tissues
- Copy Paper